When we realized there had to be a better way to generate a telemarketed lead. We have studied all types of lead sources; live telemarketer, avatar, voicemail, direct mail, internet, TV, Radio and Facebook. We discovered the lead with the highest return on investment, as well as staying consistently high in quality (along with many other benefits) were live double verified Transfers. Yes, We double verify every single lead before sending it you. We are the only Lead company in the world who has its lead generation process insured Globally by the Berkshire Hathaway group of companies up to uncapped defense in the event of TCPA/DNC complaint. So stop worrying about laws and paying thousands of $$$ to litigators. Give us a chance to help you with your marketing needs
Our primarily mission is to help Insurance agents , IMO’s , Insurance Agencies and call centers to be on top and stop worrying about their marketing needs. We take care of the Leads Marketing for you while you keep selling like a PRO.